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Community Talks Introduction & Guide

Open Social
Open Social Open Social • 28 May 2019


Welcome to Community Talks by Open Social! We're happy you are here. Below you will learn why we created this community and how you can begin contributing!  

Why did we create this community?

We created this community for three main reasons. 

1. To provide all manuals and guides on each feature that is available on an Open social installation; this includes core features or extensions. We provide detailed manuals from each role perspective, such as site manager, content manager, and logged-in/ verified user. Community talks is a one stop chop for all your questions regarding Open Social features. 

2.To provide a space for all our Open Social clients to connect, help and learn from each other. Here you can ask your fellow community managers for advice or simply share your success stories. Some examples are below?

  • Are you new to community management and have some questions? Or are you already experienced and want to share your knowledge with others?

  • Have you ever asked yourself: how did other communities deal with certain issues? How did they tackle it?

  • Do want to ask for general community advice or examples?

  • Do want to bounce off and discuss your ideas with others in your field?

3. To provide direct communication to the Open Social team. We share any updated on Open Social in this platform. This includes the release notes, the roadmap, webinars, and any company information we would like to share with our clients. 


Group 1: Knowledge Sharing

 'Knowledge Sharing'.

In this group - we focus on knowledge sharing. A group for all clients to share their knowledge and connect using the three topic types below:

  • 'Experiences and Tips' for when you want to share or exchange knowledge
  • 'Questions and Answers' when you have a specific question.
  • 'News' for sharing interesting (news) articles & new updates.

Moreover, the Open Social team also shares in this groups any news regarding the company & shares any knowledge they would like to share with you. 

So, make sure you have joined the group to receive those updates! 

different hands holding piieces of a puzzle

Group 2: Product Roadmap

Product Roadmap

In this group - we focus on product updates and our roadmap. Our head of product and Product Owner share every Open Social release note in this group. Open Social is updated every 2 weeks - for each of this update, you can find the release note in this group accordingly. 

Additionally, in this group we share our roadmap every quarter and yearly. We plan a webinar with our head of product who shared this insight - all clients can join and provide an input & questions. We share the recording of roadmap webinar in this group as well. 

So, make sure to join this group to receive all the product updates! 


In the following pages - I further explain our topic types and usages.